Welcome to the School of Education in Bogenhofen

I am glad about your interest in the pedagogical education in Bogenhofen. Especially in the present time, there is no more important and beautiful task than to support young people in their adolescence and tire, to accompany them in their thinking and learning, to offer them guidance and to make friends with them. If you are looking for a teacher training that keeps the whole child in mind and is not limited to cognitive teaching content, then you have reached your goal in Bogenhofen.
The School of Education offers you a thorough four-year education for the Bachelor of Education. You are then entitled to teach children aged 5-12 years, regardless of type of school or school form. You will be able to gather a variety of practical experiences, which together with theoretical content will provide you with enough tools to make profitable lessons. Some lectures are offered in cooperation with the Theological Seminary, others are given by international lecturers; But all the courses we experience as a group, studying, working and serving together - the four years together (he) lives and grows.
You will have the opportunity to do internships abroad - this can be your country of origin, or the PISA-top country of Finland, you can get to school in private schools as well as in the public schools of the area.
You will find all the necessary information on this page. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at education@bogenhofen.at. You can also visit us to make a picture of Bogenhofen. Up to three introductory courses are free for you. Just register in time in the administration (office@bogenhofen.at). I am looking forward to a personal meeting!