Support Bogenhofen

Bogenhofen lives from the support of many generous donors. In the past many projects and visions have become reality. We will continue to be grateful for the wide range of help we receive. Donations can be given for:

  • Donations in general: here the school management decides where the money is needed most urgently.
  • Student aid fund: supporting low-income students and students
  • Bogenhofen Media
  • Library: equipment and future planned construction
  • Gym: Renovation and spatial expansion
  • Publication of the BOGI newspaper
  • support Bachelor of Education

Account information

Paypal:  (if you click on "Send money to friends" at the end of the transfer, no fees will be charged)

Bank account:

Raiffeisenbank Region Braunau
IBAN: AT483406000008211609 | BIC: RZOOAT2L060

Account owner: Schulverein der STA

Postcheck Zurich
IBAN: CH4609000000917443651 - BIC: POFICHBEXXX

Account owner: Schulverein der STA, 4963 St. Peter am Hart, Bogenhofen 1

VR-Bank Rottal-Inn eG
IBAN: DE14740618130003227545 - BIC: GENODEF1PFK

Account owner: Schulverein der STA

International transfers to Austrian Account:

Raiffeisenbank St. Peter am Hart
Swift Code (BIC): RZOOAT2L060
IBAN: AT483406000008211609
Account: 8.211.609
Account owner: Schulverein der STA

Gooding - Ferdinand Pieringer e.V.

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