Christ-likeness and Christ-centeredness

As a Christian Adventist educational institution, we are particularly concerned to make Christ's character practically tangible in our dealings with one another. Humility, love, respectful appreciation, mutual acceptance in forbearance and mercy, faithful and reliable interaction with one another, loyalty to our educational principles as well as to the persons working here are the basis of our actions.

In the academic area, the close combination of Christian faith with high standards in teaching is important to us in order to ensure a holistic education.

Knowledge and personality

We promote the basic prerequisites for successful living and learning. Diligence, ambition, perseverance, thoroughness and punctuality are just as indispensable as the attitude of lifelong development and growth in knowledge and maturity of character.

While we keep the academic level high, we especially support the practical aspects of personality development. Our goal is to develop the qualities so essential for success in life: courage, integrity, a loving, kind and cheerful nature, patience, gentleness and self-control, as well as the responsible cultivation of healthy relationships with fellow human beings and with God.

Thinking and acting

We live and teach independent thinking, reflection and judgment as part of a lifelong process of learning and maturing. In doing so, we strive for mental performance, intellectual maturity, open-mindedness in thinking, sound judgment, sincerity, honesty, and respect for the achievements, opinions, and outlook on life of others.

Serve and witness

This motivates and guides us in our willingness to serve our fellow man and God, to help those who need support, and to integrate our faith into our daily lives as well as our relationships in a balanced and winsome way. The deep conviction that Jesus will soon return gives meaning and purpose to our lives and actions. We are happy to share this hope.