Application date: May 31
The application period for the next school year ends on May 31. All documents must be provided to us in full by this date, including letters of recommendation.
Later applications are still possible, but will cause a considerable amount of additional administrative work. Therefore, a special fee of 100 € will be charged for late applications. Please have in mind, that in this case not all wishes (choice of branch, etc.) can be considered in the same way as we would otherwise like to do.
Entrance exams are not necessary, if you have positively completed your last school year at a Gymnasium or Austrian secondary school and have taken the higher level of proficiency (AHS-Standard) in Mathematics, German and English. In other cases, admission is nevertheless possible, but it may be necessary to take entrance examinations in Math, German and English. For more information, please contact the directorate.
International applicants must have German language skills of at least B1 or better B2 to be able to follow the classes. Our language school offers various courses for this purpose, in which the required language skills can be acquired within one year.