Bild zum Weblog Schloss Neuschwanstein

Schloss Neuschwanstein

Only one week after I arrived at Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen for the summer language program, 24 other language students and I were seated on a train headed to Germany. We had to wake up around 5 in the morning to eat breakfast and catch our first train, starting our 5 hour journey to Ludwig the 2nd's most famous castle.

The train ride was long, but the destination was worth the wait. Neuschwanstein Schloss was built in the beautiful Bavarian mountains, high above the town and visible as soon as we got off the train. To reach the castle, our group took a bus up an incredibly curvy road to a drop off point. From there we set out to get a view from a bridge that was built between two mountain peaks to overlook the castle and town. The bridge was crowded with people, the boards underneath made noises and bent when I stepped on them, the waterfall underneath brought cold wind blowing past, but the sight was worth the brief feelings of fear. Neuschwanstein Schloss is almost indescribable. A person could look for hours and still not have seen every detail in the architecture. Eventually we had to leave the bridge and start our walk down the mountain to the castle entrance. Our tour of the castle was less than an hour long, but just enough time to understand why it took 7 years to build. Every wall was painted to depict a story, and every room had a different story. We were able to see the throne room, dining area, conservatory, kitchen, bedroom, and even a room that King Ludwig the 2nd had built to look and feel like a cave. The castle was so colorful and built in such great detail I almost felt that my eyes would pop out. When the tour had come to an end our group made our way back down to the river. A path followed the crystal clear waters down to a road that led back into town. We barely made our bus in time to get back to our train. It had been a long day full of walking and taking not only photos, but memories that will last a life-time.

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Bildnachweis: Andrew Lechler