Schulgemeinschaftsausschuss (SGA)

The SGA shall operate if the Headmaster requests, at the request of at least one third of the members, or at his sole discretion, the Headmaster. The headmaster presides over the annual meetings. The tasks of the SGA encompass a broad range of school activities. In addition to teaching, there are also educational questions at the center of interest.

He decides among other things about ...

  • ... multi-day school events such as language travel, hiking and schooling
  • ... school autonomous days
  • ... Dates and implementation of parental rights
  • ... projects that help shape the school life.

He also advises on ...

  • ... important questions of the lessons
  • ... important questions of education
  • ... the use of budget funds transferred from the school to the administration

Each member of the groups represented in the SGA (teachers, pupils, educational staff) has a decision-making vote, which gives the Director an advisory vote. The latter can, however, insist against a decision if it considers it to be unlawful and obtain the instructions from the school authorities of the first instance or the school administrator.